Thursday, September 18, 2008


I'm Denise and my darling husband, Chris, has classic Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN).  We have learned  a wealth of information in the past decade since he was first diagnosed.  He has tried countless medications, alternative therapies, and now two different surgeries.  I plan to post our experiences here on this blog with hope that it helps someone along the way.

Chris continues to work in IT in the banking industry and is a wonderful, loving husband and father to 3.  At times his TN pain has dropped him to the ground and people have mistakenly thought he was having a heart attack.  His pain is right sided in the V2 & V3 branch.

Here is a link to what I believe to be the best site describing TN:

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, I highly recommend you get a copy of the book "Striking Back: A Trigeminal Neuralgia Handbook."  Also, check out the website (you can find the book here too!)  

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